Mindful Bonds: A Journey of Inner Exploration at the Men's Retreat
David Khalili David Khalili

Mindful Bonds: A Journey of Inner Exploration at the Men's Retreat

Set against the tranquil backdrop of the historic Jikoji Zen Center in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the Mindful Bonds men's retreat offered a unique blend of serenity, introspection, and community. With a carefully curated itinerary designed to foster personal growth and connection, this retreat stands out as a pivotal point for many in their quest to understand themselves and improve their relationships.

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Breaking The Silence: Understanding and Addressing Mental Health in the United States

Breaking The Silence: Understanding and Addressing Mental Health in the United States

In the landscape of health and well-being, mental health has often taken a back seat, shrouded in silence and shadowed by stigma. Yet, the reality is that mental health is an integral part of our overall health, deserving of the same attention, compassion, and care as physical health.

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Break from the Grind: The Practical Benefits of Wellness Retreats
Mental Health and Relationships David Khalili Mental Health and Relationships David Khalili

Break from the Grind: The Practical Benefits of Wellness Retreats

In our fast-paced lives, it's quite common to get caught up in the constant grind, losing touch with our well-being and feeling like inner peace is a distant cousin. Thankfully these days, wellness has gone beyond just a trendy term to turnover turmeric; it's now a major focus for anyone seeking balance, health, and fulfillment. At a wellness retreat, you can experience that much-needed reset to focus on your balance and explore new avenues of relaxation and self-discovery.

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The Women’s Rights Movement in Iran
David Khalili David Khalili

The Women’s Rights Movement in Iran

March marks Women’s History Month, a time dedicated to honoring the immeasurable contributions of women past and present. In this post, we take a look at a particularly poignant struggle that's happening in Iran—a quest for freedoms which Iranian women are bravely leading against formidable challenges.

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The Power of Therapy Groups for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

The Power of Therapy Groups for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Surviving intimate partner violence (IPV) is a traumatic experience that can leave its victims isolated and confused. Fortunately, there are many ways to heal from IPV, and one of the most potent methods is joining group therapy. In a therapy group, survivors can share stories in a safe space, connect with other survivors who understand their experiences and create meaningful bonds that often last long after the group has ended. We’ll also discuss why our trans-inclusive group for female survivors of IPV can be a healing experience.

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Black Queer Icons
David Khalili David Khalili

Black Queer Icons

Throughout history, Black LGBTQ+ icons have left an unforgettable imprint on art, activism, and culture. Let's join hands to honor their legacy and forge ahead in the fight for a future that embraces inclusivity.

Alvin Ailey

A groundbreaking dancer and choreographer, shattered barriers with his poignant work that celebrated the beauty of the African American experience. His enduring legacy is embodied in the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, an institution steadfastly dedicated to fostering diversity, inclusion, and artistic excellence in the realm of dance.

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Honoring Honey Mahogany
David Khalili David Khalili

Honoring Honey Mahogany

As we celebrate Black History Month, we must honor the individuals who continue to impact our diverse communities profoundly. One such luminary is Honey Mahoganay, an activist and politician whose work has reverberated throughout San Francisco, leaving a legacy of change and inclusivity. As residents of this vibrant city, as members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community, and as humans advocating for equality, let's explore the powerful strides made by Honey and the indelible mark she's left on our hearts and society.

Advocacy for LGBTQIA+ Rights

Honey Mahoganay has become synonymous with staunch advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights in San Francisco. Through her unwavering dedication, Honey has been a beacon of hope and a voice for the voiceless. She shows us the power of standing up for what is right by pushing for transformative policies and nurturing a culture of acceptance. Her actions inspire countless others to join the fight for equality and demonstrate that true progress is born from passion and perseverance.

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Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Promoting Prevention and Early Detection
Sexual Wellness David Khalili Sexual Wellness David Khalili

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Promoting Prevention and Early Detection

January marks a significant time for the health of women and AFAB folks — it is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. This month is a dedicated period to amplify the message about the importance of preventing and detecting cervical cancer early, a disease that affects many but is often preventable. Today, we'll delve into cervical cancer, why prevention is crucial, how early detection saves lives, ways to spread awareness, and the channels available to support those affected.

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer arises in the cells of the cervix, which connects the uterus and vagina. It's primarily caused by persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. The World Health Organization states that cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with an estimated 604,000 new cases and 342,000 deaths in 2020 alone.

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Why I Ride

Why I Ride

It’s been over 40 years since the first official reporting of AIDS, the epidemic has undeniably left lasting ripple effects on the LGBTQ community. While there is ongoing work to process the collective pain, hurt and anger surrounding AIDS, a silver lining is becoming more apparent. The heightened social stigma around the disease coupled with government neglect and injustices acted as the catalyst for various identifies- gay, queer, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, to come together in order to combat the AIDS epidemic. This collective action of caring is one of the reasons I am gearing up for my third AIDS Life Cycle ride.

Local organizations, like the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, emerged in response to the call for action during the AIDS epidemic. Continuing its mission, the SF AIDS Foundation serves as a hub, providing essential sexual health services, mental health support, substance use assistance, and housing to the LGBTQIA community. As a non-profit organization, it relies on support from others and has been hosting the AIDS Lifecycle ride since 1994—a 545-mile journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles to shed light on the impact of HIV/AIDS.

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Setting Pleasure-Based Intentions for the New Year: A Guide to Prioritizing Self-Care

Setting Pleasure-Based Intentions for the New Year: A Guide to Prioritizing Self-Care

The tradition of setting resolutions always surrounds the start of a new year, but how many of us follow through with them? It's time to shift our focus towards setting intentions with pleasure in mind. Instead of setting goals that might trigger stress or anxiety, let's prioritize our well-being by embracing pleasure-based intentions. This blog post will delve into pleasure-based intentions, why they are important for our mental health, and ideas on how to set them.

Difference between resolution and intention

Firstly, it's essential to understand the difference between a resolution and an intention. Resolutions are often more specific and focused on achieving an end goal. Intentions, however, are more about setting a direction for what you want to experience or embody. With pleasure-based intentions, the focus shifts towards prioritizing the joy and pleasure that makes us feel good and fulfilled.

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Why Your Chosen Family Matters:                        Building Stronger Relationships
Trauma, LGBTQIA David Khalili Trauma, LGBTQIA David Khalili

Why Your Chosen Family Matters: Building Stronger Relationships

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are reminded of the importance of family and the warm memories of this time of year. However, this season can be a stark reminder of difficult family dynamics or even estrangement from relatives for some of us. This is where the concept of a "chosen family" becomes crucial. In this blog post, we will discuss what a chosen family is and why it is essential, especially for those who may not have a supportive or loving blood family. We will also touch on ways to connect with your chosen family this holiday season.

What is a chosen family?

A chosen family is a group of close friends or loved ones intentionally chosen to be a support system. They may not have any familial relation to you, but they are the people you turn to in times of need for comfort, advice, love, and support. This kind of family structure is most common in LGBTQ+ communities, where many individuals may experience rejection and lack of acceptance from their biological families.

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Loneliness During the Holidays: Understanding and Overcoming It

Loneliness During the Holidays: Understanding and Overcoming It

Loneliness During the Holidays: Understanding and Overcoming It

The holiday season is upon us, with its cheer, festivities, and family gatherings. While many people thrive in such an environment, for others, it can be a time of profound loneliness, isolation, and anxiety. Loneliness during the holidays is more common than we might think. Still, it's often stigmatized, misunderstood, and swept under the rug. In this article, we'll explore the prevalence of loneliness in the United States, what it feels like during the holidays, and three quick tips for reducing it. Read on if you're struggling with loneliness or know someone who does.

The prevalence of loneliness in the United States:

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Self-Compassion & Boundaries During the Holidays
Mental Health and Relationships David Khalili Mental Health and Relationships David Khalili

Self-Compassion & Boundaries During the Holidays

We often feel overwhelmed with family get-togethers, work parties, and social events as the holidays approach. While it's supposed to be a time of joy, we tend to put too much pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect. This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout. Today, we'll discuss the importance of self-compassion and boundaries during the holidays and share some communication skills using DBT techniques. We'll also discuss the importance of setting boundaries, resourcing oneself, and ensuring we care for our mental health.

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Understanding Avoidant Attachment: Developing a Secure Attachment

Understanding Avoidant Attachment: Developing a Secure Attachment

A strong relationship is one of the most satisfying aspects of our lives. It's a bond that we all desire, but unfortunately, some individuals struggle to form a healthy attachment due to past experiences or events. One particular attachment style that leaves many people feeling lonely and unfulfilled is avoidant attachment. This type of attachment can cause individuals to distance themselves from emotional closeness, leaving their partners feeling neglected and misunderstood. In this blog post, we’ll explore the origins of avoidant attachment and how individuals can develop a more secure attachment style.

Avoidant attachment originates from early childhood experiences, including neglectful or inconsistent care from primary caregivers. As discussed in Bowlby’s attachment theory, the lack of connection between children and caregivers creates a feeling of anxiety, which leads children to develop strategies to protect themselves from pain. Unfortunately, these strategies continue into adulthood, leading them to avoid emotional closeness and intimacy.

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Protest behaviors in poly relationships
David Khalili David Khalili

Protest behaviors in poly relationships

At Rouse Relational Wellness, we understand that polyamorous relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you're solo poly or have multiple partners, it can be hard to navigate the complex dynamics inherent in these relationships. To help guide this topic, we'll discuss three common protest behaviors that couples navigating polyamory may encounter.

Calling on Attachment Theory

Before diving into the three protest behaviors, let's briefly touch on attachment theory and how it applies to polyamorous relationships. Attachment theory is a psychological framework that explains how our early experiences with caregivers shape our behavior patterns in close relationships throughout our lives. These patterns can show up in romantic relationships and impact how we communicate, navigate conflict, and form attachments with others.

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Navigating Consent in Spooky Nights: Halloween, Substances, and Safe Choices

Navigating Consent in Spooky Nights: Halloween, Substances, and Safe Choices

Halloween is a night of fantasy, costumes, and revelry. It's a time when adults often gather to celebrate with themed parties and events. While Halloween is a time for fun and excitement, it's essential to remember that consent remains a vital aspect of any sexual encounter. In situations where substances are used, such as alcohol or recreational drugs, the importance of clear and informed consent becomes even more critical. This blog post aims to guide you through the nuances of expressing and reading consent in sexual situations during Halloween festivities involving substances, with a focus on maintaining safe and respectful encounters.

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