Setting Pleasure-Based Intentions for the New Year: A Guide to Prioritizing Self-Care

flowers and breakfast. Pleasure. Rouse Relational Wellness. Couples therapy in San Francisco

The tradition of setting resolutions always surrounds the start of a new year, but how many of us follow through with them? It's time to shift our focus towards setting intentions with pleasure in mind. Instead of setting goals that might trigger stress or anxiety, let's prioritize our well-being by embracing pleasure-based intentions. This blog post will delve into pleasure-based intentions, why they are important for our mental health, and ideas on how to set them.

Difference between resolution and intention

Firstly, it's essential to understand the difference between a resolution and an intention. Resolutions are often more specific and focused on achieving an end goal. Intentions, however, are more about setting a direction for what you want to experience or embody. With pleasure-based intentions, the focus shifts towards prioritizing the joy and pleasure that makes us feel good and fulfilled.

Some research shows that it's not just the experience of pleasure that we enjoy but also the anticipation of said pleasure that adds to the beautiful experience. Think about the excitement you felt before seeing a partner after being away for a long time or when your favorite song starts playing; these moments capture "sweet anticipation." What are some of those moments for you?

What is a pleasure-based intention?

Now, you may be wondering what a pleasure-based intention looks like. Simply put, it's an intention that focuses on activities or experiences that are pleasurable and nourishing for you. It's crucial to permit yourself to indulge in activities that make you feel good without any guilt or shame. A pleasure-based intention can be setting aside time each week to enjoy a relaxing bath or taking a few deep breaths before a meal to savor and fully taste your food.

Why should we prioritize pleasure-based intentions? 

In today's world, we often feel stressed and overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. By embracing pleasure-based intentions, we are giving ourselves permission to sink into pleasure and combat the negative effects of stress. Pleasure increases our brains' dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, leading to euphoria, relaxation, and satisfaction. By setting pleasure-based intentions, we are building habits that reinforce and prioritize pleasure in our lives, which helps to reduce feelings of burnout and increases our overall well-being.

BIPOC woman in yoga gear, holding a we vibe. Rouse Relational Wellness

Ideas to try out:

If you're struggling to come up with ideas for your pleasure-based intentions, here are a few to get you started:

  • Not rushing to orgasm and allowing yourself to feel the sensations during sex or masturbation

  • Take a moment to truly enjoy the food you're eating by savoring the taste and texture

  • Listening to a song you love and dancing as if no one is watching

  • Buying that toy you've been eyeing and trying it out

  • Taking a 10-minute break in your day to simply breathe and relax

  • Setting aside time to read a book that brings you joy

Remember, your pleasure-based intentions can be as simple or elaborate as you want. The goal is to prioritize activities that make you feel good.

Setting pleasure-based intentions for the new year can be a refreshing and empowering experience. We must prioritize our mental health and well-being by embracing life's joy and pleasure. By setting intentions that prioritize pleasure, we are building habits that reinforce positivity and improve our mental health. So, take some time to reflect on what activities or experiences please you and set your intention for the new year. As always, please share your intentions with us in the comments below. Let's start prioritizing self-care and pleasure today!



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